Thursday, April 09, 2009

For a long time, I've been trying to come up with the design for a generic, stealthy code injector and general application hacking framework.  It should be easy to manipulate any application to add new functionality, fix bugs, automate tasks, mine data, etc.

Yesterday I stumbled upon a piece of software called Inner Space which allows fairly simple manipulation of D3d8/9 games.  It's limited, but they're on the right track with it.  However, it's commercial and closed source (smart idea, it's a tough thing to pull off and there are plenty of gamers willing to pay for an edge), and I'd rather an open source framework I can hack on.

I'd like to start collecting ideas for a generic application hacking framework.  Here's a list of what I've thought up so far.  If you don't see something you'd like, please drop me a comment.
  • Stealthy code injection via selectable means
  • GUI injection on GDI/OpenGL/D3D9
  • Screenscraping automation (select a region containing the data you want and map different possible images (e.g. card suits in a poker bot) to different values that can be used from code)
  • Managed instance launching and intercommunication
  • Easy network/file interception (this could be used to use a different proxy for each running instance of an application, for instance)
I'm sure I've missed a few, but I'll be updating this to add new ideas of my own and your contributions, so please send in your ideas.

Happy Hacking,
~ dieken